Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions
1. General
The terms and conditions contained herein apply to the investment services of Primeplustrade company made available through its official website at https://primeplustrade.com/. All information made available to the investor/client pertaining to this Promotion, including information contained within websites of Primeplustrade, form a legal agreement between the investor/client and Primeplustrade.
By electing to participate in any of the investment businesses of Primeplustrade, you are indicating you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained herein and contained within website materials of Primeplustrade, coupled with any Client Agreement(s) executed. Primeplustrade reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time.
Such modifications shall become effective immediately at the time the amendment is executed and posted on the Primeplustrade website. Primeplustrade is not required to make announcements as to such amendments.

2. Eligible Accounts
To be eligible to participate in any of the services of Primeplustrade, clients/investors or their representatives must be eighteen (18) years of age or older, or the legal age of majority in the client's/investor's home country, state or province; be legally entitled to use our services in accordance with applicable law; currently maintain a cryptocurrency account with a Wallet;
and make a deposit with Primeplustrade totaling no less than the stipulated account on the chosen investment product (the Initial Deposit) during the investment Period as defined herein.

3. Account Restrictions
If there are promotions of bonuses on accounts within Primeplustrade, these promotions will be based on a One bonus per account per client. Also, accounts are only transferable with requests made, reviewed, and granted by the management of Primeplustrade.

4. Account Activation and Operation
Primeplustrade will credit all Eligible Accounts, as defined herein, with deposits (as made by investor) totaling an amount determined by the initial deposit made by client, as set forth in the table of plans. Such deposit must be made within 48 hours of creating an investment account or the said account shall be deleted.
Client must complete the required lots (as stipulated in the chosen plan) prior to the activation of the investment account within 48 hours of opening the account. Charges on investment account operation and/or maintenance shall be deducted upon completion of investment cycle. Withdrawals can only be made after an account completes its initial investment cycle (IIC) as stipulated in the plan details.

5. Release and Withdrawal Restrictions
Client is unable to withdraw or transfer any funds from Client account before or during the initial investment cycle, unless there's a court order to withdraw the account, or Client gives the investment company a 48-hour prior notification of withdrawal by mail or phone call.
Should Primeplustrade receive a request by mail or phone to withdraw funds prior to the account cycle satisfying the stipulated time, it is then authorized to process such request only after it has debited the account in an amount equal to the operation and/or maintenance fee. Should Client make a withdrawal request during the initial investment cycle and prior to the completion of the cycle, any bonus shall be terminated.
Primeplustrade's Client agrees that Primeplustrade is not liable for any market losses, including margin calls, as a result of a withdrawal made by Primeplustrade in order to make payout or retain operation/maintenance charges.

6. Exploitation, Misuse, Conditions
Primeplustrade offers its services and bonuses in good faith to its Clients actively investing within its market with exposure to economic risk. Client acknowledges that his/her subscription to the services of Primeplustrade is for the purposes of investment only. Client's invested fund shall be utilized in legitimate trading within the market that Primeplustrade offers. In need emergence of a new market, Client shall be notified before any form of diversification is inclined to the Client's fund.
This condition also requires that the Client does not associate any abusive, exploitive or improper conduct (Exploitative Activity) while being subscribed to the Primeplustrade offered services. Exploitative Activity shall include, without limitation:
-- Client, by himself or acting with others (including an Introducing Broker, Money Manager), establishes an investment position or positions which have the purpose or effect of extracting the funds credited as part of the offered services; and/or the profits generated by such funds, without exposure to economic risk, including without limitation loss of the funds credited as part of the offered services or the Client's capital (or the capital of others).
-- Client, whether personally or through a third-party, hedges investment position(s) for purposes of capturing credited funds on a risk-free basis, by utilizing additional trading account(s) at other institutions, whether maintained by Client or an associate thereof, or by utilizing an additional account at Primeplustrade held by a third-party or alias, or by any other means

Client agrees and acknowledges that the offered services shall be granted by Primeplustrade only as a result of representations made by Client, including Client's representation that he/she will not undertake Exploitative Activity, as defined herein.
Primeplustrade shall have the authority to, at its sole discretion, elect to retroactively cancel the investment terms, remove any credited bonus/promotional funds from a Client's account and retroactively cancel any investment activity conducted, should Primeplustrade determine the Client has undertaken Exploitative

Activity while being subscribed within the offered services:
Primeplustrade is authorized to cancel all investment activity of such account since inception following its determination and will return the original deposit(s) to Client. Client agrees that Primeplustrade is not liable for any market losses, including margin calls, as a result of a withdrawal made by Primeplustrade in order to receive dividends or returns on investments as a result of Primeplustrade's determination of the existence of Exploitative Activity.

A. Liability
Primeplustrade shall not be held liable for any loss resulting from a client's participation or inability to secure their account portal, dashboard, or access from their user end. Further, Primeplustrade shall be indemnified by any participating client for any market loss or margin call resulting from Primeplustrade's withdrawal of deposited funds or ROI due.

B. Amendments/Termination of Promotion
Primeplustrade reserves the right to alter, amend, discontinue, terminate or cancel any existing portfolio, investment account or funds, or any aspect of it, at any time, with or without notice, for any reason whatsoever.

C. Third Parties
Client may not assign or transfer any or all of his/her rights or obligations under the terms of conditions of the investment portfolio. No third party shall have a right to enforce any rights or obligations contained herein against Primeplustrade.

D. Governing Law
This Agreement and the terms and conditions herein, and any judicial or administrative action or proceeding or arbitration arising directly or indirectly hereunder, or in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, whether brought by Client or Primeplustrade, shall be governed by the laws of the country or region where the investment portfolio is created without reference to its conflicts of laws.